Friday, March 18, 2011

Carlah, Level 10 and PAX East.

Cowlah, as I have affectionately nicknamed, rolled through Darkshore to Shatterspear war Camp and the tremendous bounty of mining and herbing nodes surrounded by friendly mobs. Oh happy day and easy leveling. In 10 more levels I can add archaeology to herbing, mining, and exploring  on my list of exp gainers.
I also got to speak to Brian over at Wow pacifst (link to his site should be on the right hand side). We shared tips on how to earn exp without dealing damage and I look forward to his new toon, Flos hitting 85.
I also got to meet up with some of the writers for wow insider and a few fellow world of warcraft players. It was pretty swank jazz bar/club and it was fun to see the regular patrons interact with the "nerds" assembled.

I promise I'll get back to adding the other characters tot he resolutions screen.

And as a final note CERRANDER IS LEVEL 85!!!!!!

Monday, February 21, 2011

2011 Resolutions, KT Bank Alts

I've decided that I care about the toons on Kel'Thuzad enough to break them out into separate posts. This also means you, the reader, isn't critted with wall of text. (but who am I kidding that's mostly to help me since I'm the only non-crawler robot who reads this.)

The major characters on this server are constantly getting worked on, so doing goals for them will be more extensive. Cerrander (who hopefully will be lvl 84 by tonight so he can get the spell dps valentines neck piece before it goes away) and Lightshonor will each have their own dedicated page. For example I just finished one of Lightshonor's goals in getting an argent charger (yay me, now I can ride through Baradin in style) The final eight will be two a post. Today we'll get the two bank alts on the server and possibly the two new cata toons. I would also like to note that I deleted one bank alt and spread his stuff to the new cata toons.

But no more book keeping, Onwards past the jump to the bank alts.

Monday, February 14, 2011

2011 Resolutions, Volume 7

This is the king. Kel'Thuzad. My home realm. This is where I party. Where I spend most of my time and do most of my hardcore playing. I have my only top level toon as well as the second of three over level 80 toons.
Last year's post was crappy because the previous website I used sucked. I lost all the hard work I went through. This year will be all new, so no red text anywhere. Just the post as it was meant to be. I'm even giving resolutions for my bank alts. Yessir party coming up.
I'll post this up soon, as I really should be working, but I'll set you up with the names at the very least.
Jump ahead for awesome!

2011 Resolutions, Volume 6

Posted by theepicraiders on January 19, 2010 at 5:31 PM
We've finally landed at Kirin Tor, a little late, I know. I apologize for being off schedule. After my first resolution to post more I didn't really look at my busiest days in my estimations.
I had a male orc hunter named Crukie I was using to test out how hard it was to level using just the starting gear. Naked troll did this for the most part already. And it was a little tough. So I bailed on it to make a cooler Cataclysm toon.

So on to the quick and dirty.

2011 Resolutions, Volume 5

Posted by theepicraiders on January 17, 2010 at 12:18 PM
And the beat goes on. I have Medivh, the first realm to open the Gates of Ahn'Quiraj, and Garithos up for today. The tentative plan is to throw down my resolutions for Kirirn Tor, which include Carlah and Mariele, tomorrow. Then I can give the grand finale for Kel'Thuzad on Tuesday or Wednesday.

You may notice that some of these characters are not active. Frankly, they fall far down the totem.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Cerrander, My Main Mage

So I have a mage and his name is Cerrander. He is my main. Though he's not the first to 85 on my account.

That's right, the very first character I really cared about is still only level 83 (though now he's wearing one of those sharp black mage hats from final fantasy). I had a little bit of an identity crisis. I usually float around from one character to another, but Cerrander's my boy. What happened? I tried to lead a guild. Word to the wise, don't lead a guild unless you have lots of time or officers that have a bit of time.

I rushed Lightshonor, who also is a guildmaster up to 85 so I could do things with my guild. We couldn't get more than three 85s on at a time and eventually work started kicking my butt.

Now that I'm 85 and not certain my comp can handle heroics, I'll probably switch to hitting up my main main. I'm not a huge fan of the end game. I really enjoy building things up and endgame has always been fine-tuning. I like fine-tuning from time to time, but I get more enjoyment over starting completely new.

Once I'm finished with the resolution posts I'll identify a top 5 each week for toons I want to play, and also post the top five I actually played. We'll see how that goes.

2011 Resolutions, Volume 4

Posted by theepicraiders on January 16, 2010 at 12:27 AM
So a quick inventory has shown I have one server with three toons on it, and three servers with four toons on them. Yipes that was more than I remembered. So I'm going to start with the three toon server and stop when the post gets too long.

Luckily I only did two servers, because the first one I reviewed last year, Steamwhedle Cartel grew to be my secondary server. It now houses five toons. I've also kept my original observations about the Armory and wowhead from last year, though the new armory view will not be up to snuff until you can change the pose again.